Women’s March Redding



Women’s March Mission

The Redding Women’s March has drawn hundreds of participants each year since 2017.  The mission of the Women’s March is to harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change.
For more information on the mission & principles,
please click the button below to learn more.

About Us

The Redding Women’s March planning group grew from one person (in 2017 – with one week to plan!) to an active group of diverse community members committed to being more inclusive and bringing a venue for people to come together in respect and hope.
In 2017 we were surprised to have more than 200 people attend; for many of us, the most meaningful part of that event was seeing how others in our community felt the way we did and were willing to work to develop a community that respects women, welcomes strangers, celebrates differences, and cares for the earth. Since that time, we have spread out into the community to register voters, lead and participate in multi-cultural events, advocate for the underserved, and openly discuss the values for which we march annually.

Our Values

March Info

Have you heard the news? Shasta Abortion Coalition is a new collective of local women, our allies, and progressive organizations including Women’s Health Specialists, Northstate Women’s Health Network, Shasta County Democratic Women’s Club and Friends and Women’s March Redding. We are united in outrage at the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe v Wade at at the national eradication of abortion rights at the state level. We helped form the coalition to turn this outrage into action in defense of the right to abortion in our community, our state and our country. Learn more at www.shastaabortioncoalition.org.


Stay tuned for updates on Merch!

Volunteer Opportunities

The Redding Women’s March Planning group appreciates your interest in helping make this event happen!  We are looking for volunteers for pre-march table planning and organization, day-of donation rallying, post-march trash sweep, loans of megaphones, and many other things.  If you’d like to help out, please send us your information via the form below, and we’ll make sure it gets to the right person.  Thank you for being a light in the north state!